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About Us

We’re passionate about helping businesses grow through strategic IT solutions

Our Story

SOMOS Technology proudly offers comprehensive IT solutions to a wide array of technological issues related to business. We’re time-tested, best-practice driven, and customer focused. The professionals employed with our firm have the know how and professional acumen to deliver your business with efficient solutions for any technical issue related to your business.


In the modern world, success in any industry can depend on the efficiency and appropriateness of the application of technology. Our customers’ success is our priority, so we’ll personalize the approach to your company, making sure that your system meets your needs well.

All-time access to our customer service remains a mainstay of our company. Whether your office hours are traditional or 24/7, the technological tools used by your business must function. We provide a team waiting in the wings to sweep in when called upon to prevent a technological fail, undue stress, and lost clientele.

No matter the business you’re in, your focus should rest upon your customers or your products. The technological tools you use should be appropriate and efficient, and we can help. From an efficiency check to as-needed problem resolution, look to us to provide every business related technological service relevant to your work.

Work smarter and stress less by calling on SOMOS to manage your business’s technology.

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